Steps you can take to help you prepare for a long hike. There is still plenty of time left this year to take on a new challenge
This has certainly been a summer to remember. Stunning weather has seen multiple record temperatures causing pub gardens to fill up and the scent of barbecued meat to sweep across housing estates. Glorious weather regularly encourages many of us to spend as much time in the great outdoors as possible.

Some may even feel the motivation to finally tick a big challenge off their bucket list or New Year’s resolutions and plan a long hike.
Whether targeting an infamous mountain, following the route of a river, or exploring a great forest, if you are planning on tackling a long walk then make sure you are well prepared, after all they do say ‘if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail’.\

Here are some top tips to get into shape ahead of your big trek.

Track your progress
One difficulty many may find when attempting to ramp up their fitness level through exercise in preparation for their challenge is finding the motivation.

It can feel very easy at the end of a long day to think ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ and put off going for that preparation walk or run.
However, by harnessing the wonders of modern-day technology, you can purchase wearable fitness trackers to keep an eye on your daily steps walked and calories burnt. Keeping an eye on your statistics can feel like a phenomenal motivator to get yourself out and hitting those targets you have set for yourself.

Build your way up
To ensure your endurance and walking ability is up to scratch, a top way to prepare yourself is to start today.
The longer you leave preparations, the harder it will be. Even if you choose to start small with a gentle walk, you can then gradually build the length and number of hills on each consequent walk to finally reach the stage where your target is, well, a walk in the park.
#hiking #fitness #health